EZ HERBS & the Austin School of Herbal Studies
Teas Tinctures Herbal Skin Care Herbs for Women Salves, Powders & Creams | ||||||||||||||||||||||
Agarita, Mahonia
For years Texans have been preparing delicious Agarita berry jam from the ripened berries of early spring. The berries can be difficult to harvest as the plant has a natural self-protective leaf on its branches. However, you can improvise by using umbrellas spread upside down under the bush.
Then gently hit
the branches until the very ripe berries fall.
Please see my article on making Agarita jam: and be patient until next
spring when those yummy berries appear once again. In the meantime, you can trim your Agarita bush and harvest the branches to prepare a healthy and quite tasty decoction (tea). Gently simmer the branches for at least ½ - 1 hour to release the chemical constituents of the plant. Although the root contains a more concentrated array of constituents, the branches have medicinal value as well, and you don’t have to uproot the entire plant to receive its benefits. If you do uproot the plant it is difficult to replant Agarita as it does not like to be transplanted.
High in Berberine, this incredible herb can be used as other Mahonias in treating various digestive issues, an anti-viral effect and as one of nature’s antibiotics.
Purchase a bag of Agarita Branch Tea made from freshly
harvested branches and give it a
try. You will be delighted. |